
Our blog is a great place to find valuable information about caring for your pets in Darwin.

Posted on 30 Sep 2023 in Cats, Disease, Pet Care, Vaccines, Kittens

Feline Immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and vaccinations

FIV stands for Feline Immunodeficiency virus. It is a virus that has many similarities to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) but only affects cats.

It is estimated that approximately 15% of cats in Australia are infected with the FIV virus. The highest prevalence is seen in areas with high numbers of free-roaming, sexually intact male cats.

Bite wounds inflicted by FIV-infected cats…

Posted on 28 Feb 2022 in Pet Care, Puppies, Desexing, Cats, Dogs

Desexing in dogs – When should they be desexed?

Desexing is a very commonly performed elective veterinary surgery. Desexing has traditionally been performed at 5-6 months of age in all breeds of dogs. As more information has become available about the pros and cons of desexing at certain ages, this decision has become more complex. There are many factors which need to be considered. We do not have any studies that provide unequivocal evidence…

Posted on 07 Jan 2022 in Cats, Dental, Disease, Obesity, Nutrition, Dogs

What should you feed your pet?

Deciding what to feed your pet can be a daunting task.

Many pet food companies include marketing images and phrases that are designed to appeal to pet owners but provide little nutritional information - for example the terms ‘holistic’ and ‘premium’ are unregulated terms that any pet food company can use, they do not have any bearing on the nutritional content of the food. ‘Natural’ just means…

Posted on 18 Mar 2020 in Cats, , Pet Care, Disease, Dogs, Darwin

End Of Life

For many of us, there will come a time when we must make the tough decision to let our pets go.

We all hope that our pets will alleviate us of having to make that choice by quietly passing away in their sleep. However, for most pets, that is uncommon, and we are left with the anguish of deciding when is the day. There is always the quandary- am I robbing them of time or am I prolonging…

Posted on 22 Oct 2019 in Cats, Disease, Dogs, Darwin

What is My Pet's Quality Of Life

What is my pet's Quality of Life?

It is not always easy to judge how your pet is going ,especially when they are a part of the family and when you see them everyday. Subtle changes may go unnoticed and our furry friends can be very good at 'coping' with illness, pain and distress without showing any obvious signs.
