Our blog is a great place to find valuable information about caring for your pets in Darwin.
Pet Dental Month
All Pets Veterinary Hospital will be running a pet dental month promotion throughout September to raise awareness of pet dental problems, prevention and treatment.
Four out of every five dogs and cats over the age of three years have some sort of dental disease which becomes more severe with age. This can be a real problem for pets and owners because it can lead not only to pain, but also…
Heartworm in Darwin
Heartworm is a parasite which is passed from animal to animal by the bite of a mosquito.
Darwin's warmth and heavy rain creates the perfect breeding ground for mosquito-borne diseases like heartworm.
We have recently diagnosed cases of Heartworm infection in dogs at All Pets Veterinary Hospital, and there have also been numerous cases of Heartworm infection reported in other tropical…
Arthitis in Cats
Arthritis (osteoarthritis) is a degenerative joint disease, where the cartilage within the joint is worn away, leading to inflammation and painful, aching joints.
You may notice that as your cat gets older, they aren’t as nimble as they once were. It’s easy to assume this is just a natural part of ageing; however, just like humans and dogs, cats can suffer from arthritis.
Brown Dog Ticks In Darwin
We are seeing lots of dogs with ticks at the moment! Â
Ticksare very common in Darwin, particularly at this time of year. If you are seeingticks on your dog, they are most likely brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalussanguineus).Â
Thankfully we don’t have the paralysis tick in Darwin, but thebrown dog tick can still be a big nuisance. The…
Otitis Externa (ear infections) In Dogs
Ear infections are a common problem in dogs. As you can see from the above illustration, dog’s ear canals are long and have a vertical and a horizontal component. Ear infections are not always obvious when looking at the outside of the ears.
Dogs will usually scratch at their ears or shake their heads when they…