
Our blog is a great place to find valuable information about caring for your pets in Darwin.

Posted on 02 Oct 2023 in Disease, Darwin, Dogs, Pet Care, Vaccines

Leptospirosis- Information about the disease and vaccinations

UPDATE 08/04/24 VACCINATION (C2i) NOW AVAILABLE Leptospirosis - information and the disease and vaccinations

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease, which means it affects both animals and humans. It is caused by Leptospira bacteria found specifically in infected animal urine and animal tissues. It can cause a range of symptoms in both humans and animals.


Posted on 19 Aug 2022 in Darwin, Dogs, Vets

Cane Toads and Our Pets

Cane toads are highly toxic and pose a threat to our pets and wildlife in the Northern Territory. As the wet season begins, the number of toads around increases. Our pets often find it tempting to chase and catch cane toads as they hop across the yard.

When attacked or threatened, cane toads release a toxin, called bufotoxin, from special glands at the back of their head. The cane toad’s toxin…

Posted on 07 Mar 2022 in Pet Care, Darwin, Dogs, Disease, Ticks

​Ehrlichiosis – what you need to know about protecting your dog from this disease spread by ticks

With the COVID pandemic we are all very aware of the impact of infectious diseases. In dogs in the Northern Territory and Western Australia we are currently dealing with an epidemic (a sudden outbreak of disease in a particular area) called Ehrlichiosis. Most dog owners have heard of this disease now, but many are unclear on what it actually is and whether it is something that their dog is at risk…

Posted on 18 Mar 2020 in Puppies, Darwin, Dogs

Pregnancy and Whelping in Dogs

Whether planned or unplanned, there are a few things to consider if you are thinking about breeding your dog.

Before any responsible breeding, it's important to consider the following:

  • Complications with pregnancy and breeding can be costly. Emergency caesarean sections and complications with mother or puppies can add up to many thousands of dollars.
  • Is…

Posted on 18 Mar 2020 in Cats, , Pet Care, Disease, Dogs, Darwin

End Of Life

For many of us, there will come a time when we must make the tough decision to let our pets go.

We all hope that our pets will alleviate us of having to make that choice by quietly passing away in their sleep. However, for most pets, that is uncommon, and we are left with the anguish of deciding when is the day. There is always the quandary- am I robbing them of time or am I prolonging…